Tim Wilson / gooey eye
Tim Wilson is an artist and designer,
working from his studio and home in East Reading.
An ongoing process of scavenging materials is a catalyst for his ideas. These found items can end up as collages, assemblages, or digital montages - elements that he juxtaposes, conjoins and transforms. The images, sculpture, and interactive installations he makes often embrace the possibilities and uncertainty of an animated universe.
Some of these pieces have invited 'you' to engage with kinetic objects, curious props, or a space where the conditions are in a constant state of flux.

gooey eye for MG
Buttons is a series of modified ‘buttons’ for the bus, [the ones that alert the driver that 'you' wish to alight at the next stop] but with alternate symbols and words inscribed.
The buttons are operational, they are to be noticed, touched and pressed. Passengers will consider what the symbol [familiar but incongruous with its surroundings] could mean to them in the context of their surroundings/journey, the subsequent agency of pressing and reflect on what they might have wished the effect to be.
Most of the symbols/words attached to the buttons should be recognisable to all but the very youngest children – some of the symbols resonating to certain age groups more than others.
Our experience of using buses and concept of place/ community is influenced by many factors - including the utilitarian features of the bus, our dispositions regarding personal space, and the unpredictable variables of your fellow passenger’s social interactions. These art pieces are simple and deliberately open-ended meditations that could trigger amusement, confusion, attachment and sociability, but also thoughts about alienation, placelessness, and peoples subsequent desires/escapism.
Bringing this work onto a bus, to experience and interact with, automatically imbues an atmosphere of communal experience. Passengers will almost certainly have their connection heightened by any intervention they have consciously or unconsciously shared.